EWSNEWS October 2022
The story so far …
Friday 30 September. Croeso at Mortonhall Golf club from 7.30pm
Twenty members, including five very welcome newcomers, enjoyed a generous supper and a chance to catch up with each other. This was followed by an entertaining and educational trip around Wales. I provided a large map and invited anecdotes and reminiscences of favourite parts of Wales to be marked with a “stick-on spot”. Martin Tarr has provided an excellent write-up of the evening with photographs which can be seen on our website. Jim Hughes led us in community singing to round off the evening. A big thank you to all who attended, and especially to those who took part in my snapshot of Wales.
Forthcoming events:
Sunday 30 October. Harvest Thanksgiving Service at the Reid Memorial Church at 3.00pm
Our Harvest service will be conducted by Margaret Brandie in the large hall of the Reid, West Savile Terrace, Edinburgh, EH9 3HY. You are invited to bring suitable donations of groceries to be passed on to the local food bank. Our Harvest service will be followed by a welcome cuppa and biscuit and chance to chat. Please remember that British Summer Time ends at 2.00 that Sunday morning, so put your clocks back and hopefully enjoy an extra hour in bed.
Friday 25 November. St Andrew’s Evening at Priestfield Church hall at 7.30pm.
We plan our usual supper party at Priestfield, 2 Marchhall Place, Edinburgh, EH16 5HW, with haggis, neeps and tatties, followed by cranachan and tea or coffee. Full details will be found in my next EWSNEWS, but please make a note of the date.
Subscriptions / membership …
We have had a splendid response to my request for subscriptions, but if you are one of the few still yet to pay, please get in touch with me at secretary@edinburghwelshsociety.org.
I look forward to seeing you very soon.
Jennifer Welsher – Ysgrifenyddes CCD / Secretary EWS