EWSNEWS – August 2019 – second letter

Forthcoming events

Saturday 7 September: Visit to The Great Polish Map of Scotland, starting at 11.00am

Jean Phillips has arranged a visit to Barony Castle Hotel for coffee at 11.00am on 7 September followed by a walk in the grounds to view the map. The Great Polish Map was built between 1974 and 1979 by a small group of Poles. The Map is understood to be the largest three-dimensional representation of a country and the largest outdoor relief map in the world. It has recently been restored and given Category B-listed status. Afterwards we travel to Peebles for lunch in the Green Tree Hotel.

As Peebles will be very busy that day we need numbers for coffee and/or lunch as soon as possible and before 29 August. We also need to know if you can offer or need a lift.

Friday 20 September: Croeso at Mortonhall Golf Club (7.30pm)

We plan an evening of entertainment with a finger buffet and tea or coffee. The price is £14 per person. Please could we have numbers by Thursday 12 September.

PLEASE NOTE: Contact for both events is Lilian John: 0131 667 7525 or lilian.john@blueyonder.co.uk.

Saturday 9 November: Visit to Dundee

We are planning a train excursion to Dundee to visit the V&A and also the McManus Art Gallery and Museum. Keep this date free. More details to follow!

Jennifer and Keith are still on light duties. Our thoughts are with them both during this difficult time.

I look forward to seeing you soon.
