EWSNEWS October 2021

The story so far

We had hoped to have proper meetings by now, but sadly we are still playing snakes and ladders, wee ladders and big snakes mostly. So we are relying on Zoom for the remainder of the year.

Forthcoming events

Friday 8 October: Croeso from 7.30pm on Zoom

You are cordially invited to a get together from the comfort and safety of your own home. We hope to have an evening of entertainment and catch-ups after the long hiatus. Margaret Brandie will send out the invitation with all the details nearer the time.

Friday 26 November: Talk on Bletchley Park at 7.30pm via Zoom

Helen Campbell’s brother Gethin will tell us all about their mother’s time at Bletchley Park based on her diaries. This insight into such a very important piece of British wartime history will make for a fascinating evening.

Harvest thanksgiving service

Date to be arranged.

Society news

On Saturday 24 July, six members were invited to represent our Society at a memorial service and afternoon tea at Prestonfield House Hotel in memory of Mary Davies, who died on 7 May 2020, at a time when a funeral was sadly not possible. We were able to celebrate the life of one of our most stalwart members with her family, and representatives of Edinburgh University, Craigmillar Park Church and Mary’s neighbours.

Very sadly, less than a week later, on Thursday 29 July, one of the six, our lovely Wyn Davies, died suddenly at home. Wyn was a fine singer and a good sport when called upon to take part in sketches and the like. Wyn served as Vice-President to Caradog Roberts 2001–2 and President 2002–3.

Less than a month later we lost another of our much loved members, Granville Bevan, who died on Tuesday 17 August. Granville could be relied upon to perform – often in costume – parodies of many well-loved poems. Who can forget his “Diawatha” in a combination of red rugby jersey and full Indian headdress. Granville served as Vice President to Heti Davies 1996–7 and President 1997–8, and he and Mary combined their talents as joint Secretaries from 2001–7.

Both Wyn and Granville will be hugely missed. They brought us joy and laughter and a special friendship. Our love and deepest sympathies go to Val, Corinne, Justine and Matthew, and to Mary and Sally, and their extended families.

I hope you keep safe and well, and look forward to seeing you soon.


Jennifer Welsher – Ysgrifenyddes CCD / Secretary EWS