EWSNEWS – June 2019

The story so far …

Thursday 25 April. Annual General Meeting.
Reid Memorial Church, small hall. 7.30pm.

We were an enthusiastic dozen members (with apologies from a further ten) and enjoyed a lively discussion about the year past, and the two years to come. The committee have now met and are putting together a programme for 2019-20 and thinking ahead to our centenary year 2020-21.  The committee remains the same as last year:

      President  David Hughes
      Treasurer  Keith Welsher
      Secretary  Jennifer Welsher
      Committee  Margaret Brandie   Stephanie Ledger
 Lilian John   Hywel Williams
 Huw John
      Auditor  James Hughes
      Ex-Officio Music consultant  Huw Thomas

Forthcoming event

Saturday 20 July. Union Canal walk starting at 2.00pm

The hidden gardens walk proving so enjoyable, we have booked a similar walk along part of the Union canal with the knowledgeable and engaging Jean Bareham as our guide.

We meet at approximately 1.45pm at Edinburgh Quay (just behind Akva restaurant opposite the corner of Fountainbridge and Gardner’s Crescent) and finish at Polwarth Church; a distance of about one mile of easy walking along the towpath, with some detours into gardens etc. I estimate this will take about an hour and a half. We are looking into a suitable place for refreshments following the walk for those who fancy it. There will be a charge of £6 per person (collected on the day) and an upper limit of 15 people, so please let me know ASAP if you are interested. Either  phone me on 0131 335 3161 or email secretary@edinburghwelshsociety.org.

Email address

Just a reminder that our email address is now secretary@edinburghwelshsociety.org. And please take time to visit our website occasionally for more information and pictures of recent events.


The subscription rate for membership of the Society for 2019-20 remains at £22.50 for families, £15 for individual members. Last year we had a bit of a shortfall in subs paid (probably my fault for not nagging enough?) and it has been thought that the date for paying the sub has been unclear. In order to sort this, it has been suggested that we all aim to pay up by the end of July (2019!) please. Please send your cheque, made payable to Edinburgh Welsh Society or Cymdeithas Cymry Dineidyn, to me.


As ever, we are delighted to see every one of our lovely members, but realise that some of us would appreciate a lift, and some have a spare seat in their car. With that in mind, please get in touch with me if you need or can offer a lift.

I look forward everso much to seeing you soon.
