EWSNEWS June 2024
The story so far:
Saturday 20 April. Trip to see the Great Tapestry of Scotland.
Well, we were 11, the weather was lovely, the trains were straightforward, and the gallery modern and well laid out. The café served tasty treats and the “tapestry” was too huge and detailed and stunning to take in in one visit. (There was also a splendid wool shop where we asked for directions, but I managed to avoid adding to my yarn stash.)
Tuesday 23 April. Annual General Meeting. 7.30pm via Zoom.
Our AGM was chaired by David Hughes and the following agreed:
The present committee continue to serve.
President/Treasurer – David Hughes
Secretary – Jennifer Welsher
Committee – Margaret Brandie, Huw and Lilian John, Hywel Williams
James Hughes was thanked for examining the accounts.
Martin Tarr was thanked for maintaining the EWS website and circulating the EWSNEWS.
Following the agreement at the 2023 AGM, it was passed unanimously that annual subscriptions would go up to £17 for a single member or £25 for a family. Subs are now due. Pay please either by cheque made payable to the Edinburgh Welsh Society and posted to me or, if you prefer, by bank transfer. The bank details are: Account name: Edinburgh Welsh Society. Account # 00299707, Sort code 80-02-77.
Forthcoming events:
Saturday 3 August 2024. Visit to Cockenzie and Port Seton
Visit to Cockenzie House. Retro, Collectibles and Flea Market in the Historic Walled Gardens, with Café Filly on a balcony.
Leave through the back gate and across the road to the sea via the Sundial Garden, and then walk along the winding John Muir path to Port Seton harbour (about ¾ mile) before reaching the SeaGlass inn (https://www.theseaglass.co.uk/) for lunch. Walkers can return the same way.
How to get there?
By Bus: A 26 (Seton Sands) bus calls at Newmarket station at 09.08, 09.39, 10.09; or at Waterloo Place at 09.21, 09.52, 10.22 and takes about 40 minutes. Upstairs gives excellent views. The 26 stops outside Cockenzie House and the Seaglass.
By Car: Leave the A1 at the junction to Cockenzie (and North Berwick). Go through two roundabouts to Cockenzie (about 2 miles). Just after entering Cockenzie go into the new Medical Centre carpark on the left (not used on Saturday).Walk north through the memorial park to Cockenzie House. Alternatively, there is adequate parking just beyond Seaglass on the left.
If interested, particularly in the Seaglass, get in touch with Huw or Lilian by email – huwalunjohn@ic24.net or phone – Home 0131 667 7525; mobile 07956 113809.
Programme for September 2024 to April 2025.
The committee are firming up dates and booking venues as we speak. A full programme will be sent out as soon as all the i’s are dotted and t’s crossed. To receive a printed programme card please make sure you have paid your sub for this year and I have your postal address.
I look forward to seeing you very soon.
Jennifer Welsher – Ysgrifenyddes CCD / Secretary EWS