EWSNEWS November 2023

The story so far:

Sunday 8 October. Harvest thanksgiving service. Reid Memorial Church at 3.00pm.

Twenty one members braved the aftermath of the wettest Saturday in some time, and met together in the Reid Memorial Church hall for our annual harvest service of thanksgiving. Conducted in Welsh and English, our service was beautifully led by Margaret Brandie, with Huw Thomas at the piano. The prayer was given by Chris Brandie, the readings by David Hughes, Janet Thomas, Helen Campbell and Myra Tarr.

Tea and always welcome bara brith, provided by Lilian and Huw John, rounded off our get-together, with plenty of chat around the tea trolley. We left a full table of assorted groceries which the church took to the local food Bank. The society received a thank you card from the Newington Food Bank for our donations.

Please check our website for pictures. Many thanks to Martin Tarr for keeping it up to date.

Forthcoming events:

Thursday 9 November. Illustrated talk via Zoom. 7.30pm.

David will give us an illustrated talk on his and Alison’s trip to New Zealand in March/April 2023. Sounds glorious, doesn’t it. We have opted to continue to hold some meetings via Zoom as the weather and Covid still cause some problems. Although face-to-face meetings are lovely, Zoom reaches some members who can’t otherwise participate in our get-togethers. I hope to see you on the screen.

The Zoom log-in details have been sent by email to those on our mailing list. Please advise me at secretary@edinburghwelshsociety.org if you haven’t received this.

Friday 24 November. St Andrew’s Night supper party at Priestfield Church hall. 7.30pm.

Our annual tribute to our host nation’s patron saint will be a supper party with entertainments in Priestfield Church hall, 2 Marchhall Place, EH16 5HW. Haggis, (or vegetarian haggis if requested in advance), neeps and tatties, followed by cranachan, at £20 each, served with cordial, tea and coffee. Anyone wishing a wee glass of something alcofrolic is welcome to bring a bottle.

Please note, the caterers require our numbers by Friday 17 November, so I implore you to respond ASAP to avoid disappointment. Prompt payment please either by cheque made payable to the Edinburgh Welsh Society and posted to me, or if you prefer, by bank transfer. The bank details are: Account name: Edinburgh Welsh Society. Account # 00299707, Sort code 80-02-77, but please let me know you are coming with names of members and guests if you choose to pay this way.

Sunday 10 December. Carol service at the Reid Memorial Church. 3.00pm.

A date for your diary. Our Christmas service of carols and lessons will be held in the Reid large hall, West Savile Terrace, EH9 3HY, and will be followed by a vestry tea for which donations of small amounts of food, sweet or savoury are requested, please.

I look forward to seeing you very soon.


Jennifer Welsher – Ysgrifenyddes CCD / Secretary EWS