EWSNEWS August 2022

The story so far

Thursday 5 May. Annual General Meeting via Zoom from 7.30pm.

Our AGM was well attended and no changes were made to our Committee. Since then the Committee has been busy putting together a programme of events for the 2022–23 session.

Forthcoming events:

Friday 30 September. Croeso at Mortonhall Golf club from 7.30pm

Our opening meeting of the new session will include a light supper and various entertainments. A golden opportunity to catch up with all the news since our Gymanfa in March. Full details in my next EWSNEWS.

Sunday 30 October. Harvest Thanksgiving Service at the Reid Memorial Church at 3.00pm

You are invited to bring suitable donations of groceries to be passed on to the local food bank. Our Harvest service will be followed by a welcome cuppa and biscuit and chance to chat.

We may also hold the occasional Zoom quiz or talk – details of these will be sent out as and when. Watch this space …

Society news …

I heard recently from David Hunter that his mum, Eirlys, had passed away. Eirlys was an active member of the society for many decades until frailty prevented her from joining us. She was our treasurer from 1965 to 1969 and, ably assisted by her husband, John, was secretary for two years from 1999 to 2001. Her funeral will be held in Seafield Crematorium at 1.00pm on Thursday 11 August.

Subscriptions / membership …

A big thank you to all of you who have paid your subscription for 2022–23, very much appreciated. I plan to print membership/programme cards which will be posted to all members who have paid up for this session. If you wish to be included in my list but have yet to pay, please let me know. Email me at secretary@edinburghwelshsociety.org.

Edinburgh Festival titbits …

Grav returns to the Fringe after a sell-out run in 2015 and after more than 100 dates on tour in the intervening years. Written by Owen Thomas, directed by Peter Doran and starring Gareth John Bale, Grav explores the life and times of one of Wales’ best loved and most extraordinary sons, Ray Gravell. Grav is a truly inspiring and heart-warming one‑man show, and has enjoyed unanimous acclaim, including winning a Laurel Award for its ‘extraordinary’ production and as a ‘fitting tribute to a rugby legend’. Grav will be performed at the Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, Other Yin from August 3 to August 28 at 2.30pm (https://tickets.gildedballoon.co.uk/event/14:4191/)

Caitlin, the woman who married Dylan Thomas. In this one-woman show, written by Mike Kenny and directed by Steve Elias, Christine Kempell tells of their years together from Caitlin’s brutally honest perspective and reveals some shocking insights into their mutually destructive relationship. As a mother, married to the ‘Voice of God’, who had to put her own unfulfilled ambitions as a dancer on hold, she feels that history judged her harshly. Caitlin will be performed at Greenside@Infirmary Street (Olive Studio) from Monday 15 to Saturday 27 August (except 21 August) at 7.30pm (https://bit.ly/3cy7Wrb).

Iniquity (Camwedd). Based entirely on the true story of the Welsh working class martyr, Dic Penderyn and the Merthyr Uprising of 1831. Theatre Thistle at Riddles Court on 6/7, 8/9, 10/11, 12/13 August at 1.15pm. This show is performed in two halves on consecutive days – a ticket for the first part gives you access to the second part of the show on the following day (https://tickets.edfringe.com/whats-on/iniquity-camwedd)


Jennifer Welsher – Ysgrifenyddes CCD / Secretary EWS