Edinburgh is the only tune!

Sunday 3 March 2024


For our hymn-singing session, Huw and Janet Thomas had devised a novel competition – before we sang each of the eight hymns we had to “Identify that tune” from the clues given about the tune and its composer. Scoring was as for “Only Connect”, the available points reducing as more and more help was given, with three points for a successful answer to an abstruse clue, reducing to zero points if Huw had to play the tune.

And we certainly needed all the help we could get, even though we had been told at the outset that all the tunes had featured in recent gymanfas, and that all the clues had been answered in the introductions Janet and Huw had given then. The questions certainly showed the gaps in our collective memory, and it was only thanks to the Tarrs’ knowledge of tune names, Jennifer’s bonus point and none-too-subtle help from Janet that we even made the 12 points that indicated a draw between audience and presenters!

We sang:

  1. Calon lânNid wy’n gofyn bywyd moethus
  2. Diadem – Cyduned y nefolaidd gôr
  3. Aberystwyth – Beth sydd imi yn y byd?
  4. Ellers – Fy Nhad a’m Duw, gad i mi weld dy wedd
  5. Rachie – I bob un sydd ffyddlon
  6. In Memoriam –Arglwydd Iesu, arwain f’enaid
  7. Edinburgh – O! Llefara, addfwyn Iesu
  8. Cwm Rhondda – Wele’n sefyll rhywn y myrtwydd

The letters in bold made up a pretty easy anagram for those of our members who live in Edinburgh (Caeredin)!

The audience were then asked for their suggestions, and we sang:

  1. Llef – O! Jesu mawr (Jennifer)
  2. Saron – Dy law sydd armon, O! (Jennifer, in memory of Selwyn Davies, a former EWS President, whose favourite it was)
  3. Tydi a roddiast – Tydi, a roddiast liw i’r wawr (Helen)

Despite the intellectual challenges the afternoon presented, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, and sang heartily, so the tea and delicious bara brith thoughtfully provided by Lilian John after our exertions was much appreciated.