Programme 2017–18
Please note that the programme is only provisional at this stage. Read the latest issue of our Newsletter for information on upcoming events.
Most of our meetings are held in one of the halls at Reid Memorial Church, 182 West Savile Terrace, Edinburgh, EH9 3HY – either the small hall or the large hall, as noted below.
Saturday 24 June 2017
10.30am Train to Dunfermline. Lunch in “Ciao Italia”, followed by a conducted walk around historic Dunfermline
Saturday 22 July
3.00pm Exploration of Gilmerton Coves, followed by tea in Northfield House Hotel
Friday 1 September
7.30pm “Croeso”. Opening social evening with entertainment and buffet supper at Prestonfield Golf Club
Sunday 8 October
3.00pm Harvest Service (Reid large hall). Donations of dried goods would be appreciated.
Friday 24 November
7.30pm St Andrew’s Night supper party at Priestfield Church, Dalkeith Road
Sunday 10 December
3.00pm Carol Service followed at 4.00pm by Christmas party (Reid large hall)
Sunday 21 January 2018 (cancelled)
3.00pm Film show, followed by refreshments (Reid small hall)
Friday 9 February
7.30pm Chinese banquet followed by quiz at Priestfield Church, Dalkeith Road
Friday 2 March
7 for 7.30 St David’s Day dinner at Mortonhall Golf Club
Sunday 4 March
3.00pm Mini Gymanfa Ganu (Reid large hall)
Event to be arranged
Thursday 26 April
7.30pm Annual General Meeting, followed by entertainment (Reid small hall)