EWSNEWS still August 2022

The story so far

Thursday 11 August. Eirlys Hunter funeral

Four members of our Society attended the funeral of Eirlys Hunter at Seafield Crematorium. It was a very nice service, a fitting send-off for a lovely lady. A donation has been sent in her memory to Alzheimer Scotland.

Forthcoming events:

Friday 30 September. Croeso at Mortonhall Golf club from 7.30pm

As mentioned in my last EWSNEWS, our opening meeting of the new session will include a light supper and various entertainments. There will be a charge of £20 per head. I should like names as soon as possible, please, and payment by cheque to me or by bank transfer (email secretary@edinburghwelshsociety.org for the details).

The menu has yet to be settled, but the fare is always yummy. I do hope to see you there.

Sunday 30 October. Harvest Thanksgiving Service at the Reid Memorial Church at 3.00pm

You are invited to bring suitable donations of groceries to be passed on to the local food bank. Our Harvest service will be followed by a welcome cuppa and biscuit and chance to chat.

Subscriptions / membership …

A big thank you to all of you who have paid your subscription for 2022–23, very much appreciated. I hope by now you will have received your receipt and membership card(s) by post. If you wish to be included in my list but have yet to pay, please let me know. Email me at secretary@edinburghwelshsociety.org.

I hope you have had a healthy and happy Summer and look forward to catching up with you soon.


Jennifer Welsher – Ysgrifenyddes CCD / Secretary EWS