Da ni yma o hyd / We are still here
“Da ni yma o hyd”! – yn gyson a geiriau can enwog Dafydd Iwan mae Cymdeithas Cymry Dineidyn yma o hyd – yn fyw ac yn iach. Amser pryderus dros ben ac mae cynlluniau pawb wedi dymchwelyd. Ac yn fwy siomedig achos fod hi yn ganmlwyddiant y Gymdeithas. Fydd hi ddim yn newid llawer am beth amser dwi yn awgrymu. Ond peidiwch a poeni mae’r pwyllgor yn cysylltu yn amal ac mae ynrhyw newyddion pwysig yn yr “EWS News”. Gobeithio gawn ni gyfarfod dros “Zoom” cyn bo hir. Os ydych eisio cysylltu a’r gymdeitas ffoniwch neu gyrrwch e bost i Jennifer (ysgrifenyddes) neu i fi. Cymerwch ofal, arhoswch yn ddiogel a pob hwyl.
“We are still here”! – to echo the sentiments of the words from Dafydd Iwan’s famous song the Edinburgh Welsh Society is still here – alive and kicking. These are clearly very difficult times for everybody, and like most others we have not been able to have our regular meetings and events; this is especially disappointing as this year is the society’s centenary year. This situation is unlikely to change in any significant way for some time. However, be assured that the committee is still in regular contact and the “EWS News” has still been issued. We will be arranging some remote events via Zoom over the coming months. If you wish to contact the Society then please call or email Jennifer (Secretary) or myself. Stay safe and take care; all the best,
David Hughes – Llywydd / President